• Glyphosate-FREE

    Our formula does not contain glyphosate, the cancer-causing chemical found in most weed killers used in homes today.

  • Made in the USA

    Uncle Steve's Weed Killer is made in the the heartland of the United States of America with quality ingredients.

  • Kills Weeds at the Root

    Uncle Steve’s Weed Killer is a go-to solution for killing pesky weeds and grasses at the root. From flowerbeds to driveways, this fast-acting herbicide will put an end to the overgrowth.

  • Made with Essential oils

    Uncle Steve's Weed Killer contains essential oils like lemongrass oil, cinnamon oil, and clove oil, all of which have specific weed-killing properties.

Here's All 8 Ingredients

  • Molasses

    Molasses is a dark, sweet, and sticky byproduct made during the extraction of sugars from sugarcane and sugar beets. Molasses has a rich history in the Caribbean and Southern United States, where sugarcane and sugar beets are heavily cultivated. It is a very popular sweetener in the United States. We use it in Uncle Steve’s Weed Killer to ensure the other ingredients coat and stick properly to the weeds and their leaves. Molasses is considered an inert ingredient by the EPA. Molasses is a much safer choice in our formula then harsh industrial sticking agents.

  • Lemongrass Oil

    Lemongrass oil has been shown to exhibit some herbicidal properties. The essential oil is high in citral, which is considered the principal biologically active agent. A common food ingredient in many cuisines, lemongrass oil is non-toxic to humans and most non-target species. Lemongrass has a non-toxic mode of action and is believed to pose a minimal risk to human health and the environment. Lemongrass oil is considered a minimal risk active ingredient under FIFRA 25(b).

  • Clove Oil

    Clove oil destroys the leaf cuticle and the integrity of leaf cells, causing cell leakage that can lead to rapid leaf death. These are often referred to as burn-down herbicides. While very fast-acting (symptoms often appear within a few hours of application), effectiveness is dependent on good coverage. Clove oil is considered a contact herbicide that kills only the green parts of the plant. Clove oil is considered a minimal risk active ingredient under FIFRA 25(b).

  • Cinnamon Oil

    Cinnamon oil comes from spices derived from tropical plants. Cinnamon oil in particular has had a long and well-established purpose in food and fragrances. The phytotoxic effects of cinnamon oil make it a good choice for safer herbicide applications. Cinnamon and its essential oils are antimicrobial in nature and are effective at inhibiting the growth of bacteria and fungi. Cinnamon oil is considered a minimal risk active ingredient under FIFRA 25(b).

  • Vinegar

    Vinegar, also known as acetic acid, is used for weed control in farming and in household gardens at varying rates based on the application requirements. Vinegar effects weeds by rupturing the plant’s cell walls making leaves leak water until the plant(s) eventually die of thirst. Vinegar is considered an inert ingredient by the EPA.

  • Glypho-Syn™

    Glypho-Syn™ is an EPA-approved inert ingredient mixture approved for use in pesticide formulations. The EPA has determined that Glypho-Syn™ is approved without restriction for use in pesticide products with non-food use sites.

  • Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS)

    Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) is a synthetic detergent commonly found in shampoo, toothpaste, and household cleaning products. As a contact herbicide, sodium lauryl sulfate works by stripping the wax coating from the cell walls of plants. This causes the plant’s leaves to lose water and then eventually die of dehydration. Sodium Lauryl Sulfate is an exempt ingredient and approved for use in herbicides. SLS is considered a minimal risk ingredient under FIFRA 25(b).

  • Water

    Water is a universal solvent. In our case, we use water to dilute our concentrated product and deliver it to the weeds.